once Palazzo della Curia

la "piazza"

la "piazza"

The building is situated at the centre of Amerighi Square, the main square of the town, to which ancient documents refer in many ways, such as "market square", "wheat square", "town hall square" or just "square", since it was the square par excellence.

Here, there were a public fountain and porticoed shops.

During the days when markets were held, this was the spot where most of the activities were concentrated, except for the selling of cattle.

This was the specific place for selling wheat and other cereals, that is why the "measure", the official measuring tool for grain required by the local government, was kept here.

domus curie

domus curie

Opening onto this square, we find the façade of the thirteenth-century parish church of San Marco and, next to it, our Palazzo Vettori, destined to be the seat of the Count's Curia ("domus curiae" or "domus iustitiae"), that means that it was where the count's officer presided at trials and the prison rooms for debtors and accused awaiting trial were situated.

At that time, when the count's criers had to proclaim an announcement to the whole community, that is a "disposition", they did that "in the town hall square, in front of the house of the curia".

la "loggia del grano"

la "loggia del grano"

There was also a specific place for the curia's administrative functions, probably at the upper floor or inside a building nearby. This place is mentioned in documents as the "town hall loggia" or the "wheat loggia", which, looking onto the square, was used to store grain and control its price.

At the end of the 15th century, the loggia was demolished and its columns were used for the colonnade of the parish church, as we can see on a mid-seventeenth century landscape, and then demolished just like the loggia.

il Vicario fiorentino

il Vicario fiorentino

With the banishment of count Francesco da Battifolle (1441) and the fall of the Guidi's countship, Poppi's territory went under the Florentine jurisdiction.

The podesterias of Poppi, Bibbiena, Castel San Niccolò and Pratovecchio were then reunited in the Vicariate of Casentino, while the headquarters for the administration of justice and the prisons moved to the count's old palace (the castle), which had become the Florentine vicar's residence in the meantime.

Since then, the purposes of this building have become less clear. Certainly, as witnessed by  an inner inscription of an architrave, part of the building was used as the vicar's private residence for a certain period.

il plebiscito del 1860

il plebiscito del 1860

During the years following the birth of the Kingdom of Italy, the offices of Poppi's municipality were hosted here, as shown on a marble plaque reminding the results of the plebiscite held on 11th and 12th March 1860, which caused the end of Tuscan Grand Duchy and the annexation of Tuscany itself to Piedmont under the Savoy dynasty.

In each municipality of Tuscany, after the plebiscite of 1860, a marble or a stone plaque showing voting results was affixed on public buildings walls, inside Grand Duchy's old chancellor's offices or inside the podesterias.

il palazzo del Comune

il palazzo del Comune

In this way, was solemnly celebrated a fundamental historical event, such as the unification of Tuscany and Piedmont.

This was an essential premise for the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy occurred a year later, in March 1861, with the conferment of the title of King of Italy to Vittorio Emanuele II, and the recognition of the new state entity by England and France.

The building had been hosting the municipality of Poppi until 1914, when, after a great restoration work lasting over twenty years, the municipality moved to the renovated castle of the Counts Guidi.



During the following years, the building had been hosting first the registrar's office and then,since the mid-seventies, the modern section of the Rilliana Library (today Rilli-Vettori Library), enriched with book funds donated by the intellectual Vittorio Vettori, to whom the building is dedicated today.

Since 1982, the building is the headquarters of the C.C.I.C. "Piero della Francesca" - Casentino Italian Culture Center.


C.C.I.C. ´Piero della Francesca´
Centro di Cultura Italiana Casentino
Piazza Amerighi n.1
I - 52014 Poppi (AR )· Toscana · Italia

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