A one-week program of 20 fifty-minute Italian lessons in the morning + 3 wine & food tasting experiences + 1 Tuscan lunch + 2 gastronomic dinners.
There are plenty of schools that offer Italian courses in Italy, but it’s also true that they are often held for large groups of students, mixed in age and interests. On the contrary, we have chosen to organize only small group courses, where students have many interests in common, and dedicate part of our course offerings to thematic programs that combine Italian conversation practice with the discovery of our artistic, literary and gastronomic treasures.
Our school, indeed, is located in Poppi, a placid village in the heart of Casentino, a beautiful valley where nature, art and traditions live together undisturbed. For us, Italian - and Tuscan - culture is a value to protect and on which we have developed our teaching project. During our thematic Italian language lessons, we want our students to have fun and discover something new every day, actively practicing Italian spoken language.
You’ll find a friendly atmosphere and you’ll be completely immersed in the Italian language, going into topics that you’re really interested in. We are in Tuscany, a land of history, art and culture. That’s why we have dedicated two courses to two eminent figures: Piero della Francesca and Dante Alighieri.
If you prefer, you can decide to go and discover our local tastes, with excursions to traditional farms, mills and wine cellars to taste typical food and recipes.
A one-week program of 20 fifty-minute Italian lessons in the morning + 3 wine & food tasting experiences + 1 Tuscan lunch + 2 gastronomic dinners.
A one-week full day course to learn Italian and discover Dante’s trail in Casentino following the Divina Commedia references.
A one-week full day course to learn Italian and discover the beauty of Piero’s paintings in Arezzo, Monterchi and Sansepolcro.
C.C.I.C. ´Piero della Francesca´
Centro di Cultura Italiana Casentino
Piazza Amerighi n.1
I - 52014 Poppi (AR )· Toscana · Italia
dummy+39 0575 529774
dummy+39 375 5755371
dummy arno@parlital.it